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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Caesar Subicit: Imperial Militia of Blessed Charlemagne

Emperor Charlemagne and his Army Fighting the Saracens in Spain,
778 - from 'The Story of Ogier'

A few days ago I posted an article on the NSIR Facebook Page. I mentioned that a blog article would be forthcoming concerning it; this is that article.

The Coronation of Charlemagne
by Assistants of Raphael

Blessed Charlemagne has always held a special place in the NSIR. If he were ever fully canonized, I don't think I would hesitate to make him our patron. In truth, the discovery of Charlemagne had a lot to do with starting a conversion to Catholicism that wouldn't be complete for another several years. He's ever served as a role model and unofficial patron for the NSIR. Because, in a way, we're trying to do what his empire and the successor-state, the Holy Roman Empire, were meant to do: the temporal arm of the Church. To preserve it and protect it while it carried out its mission.

Statue of Charlemagne
This FEMEN protestor is just another incident in a series of events which amount to this: people don't respect the Catholic Church. They don't respect religion in general. A disagreement is one thing, ladies and gentleman; it is something else entirely to storm into a gathering of that group and disrupt the proceedings. It amounts to an act of war. She stormed a cathedral, climbed the altar, faced the tabernacle with the words, "I AM GOD" written across her naked chest. She challenged God Himself, in his Temple. Another person to do that was Lucifer, and he and his co-conspirators became Hell's first residents.


This isn't the worst of it. Churches in Syria have been burned out and destroyed, religious have been killed and had their monasteries razed, and priests have been executed in the streets (all with the silent consent of the US Government, given they're funding the Al Qaeda forces who are engaging in such acts of violence). In South America, a churches have been vandalized by a whole mess of groups. Whenever such things happen to mosques, synagogues, or practically any other place of worship, it seems there are a whole host of people waiting to sue and/or fight for their religion. Catholicism is alone in the fact no one comes to its aid. You'd think we were the barbarian death-cult that nearly consumed Western Civilization or some other great evil that had nearly caused the doom of humanity, rather than the exact opposite. The world almost seems to act like we deserve it, somehow.

Apparently, tolerance only applies to people who will break things if they don't get it.
Clearly, no one is going to come to our aid any time soon. If they could justify it in their warped consciences and by their defective moral compasses, they would join in and wipe us off the planet since we function as the last remnant of humanity's conscience and conscience is something the world wants desperately to be rid of. Something has to be done; I've never wanted the NSIR to exist solely in blog and website form. We've got to materialize in the physical world if we're going to accomplish what we want. I read another article that said how conservatives are doomed to lose because, by default, they don't change or adapt. I disagree; we're doomed to fail because we have a tendency to fold in and not lash out. But the fact is we've got to do that. We've got to face the enemy head-on and we can't keep ducking into our internet groups if we expect to win against the forces arrayed against us.

15th Century Tapestry Depicting The Battle of Roncevaux

Which is why I'm going to suggest something: a militia. An international group of militias attached to dioceses and other religious shrines with one purpose: to protect the holy places of the Church from vandalism. A fraternal organization like the Knights of Columbus who exist to assist the Church and protect it from the acts of vandalism and desecration so prominent in our modern world. Think of it as a Security Company of sorts, like large corporations use, except it doesn't exactly work for profit. It raises money via donations and other programs.

Is it extreme? Yes. Will it be unpopular? I imagine so, unless I am a poor judge of the character of modern man. But we have to do something, and the IMBC seems like a good start. It will get us working together and out of the page to do a bit more for our local parishes. It's going to be a rough climb to get started, undoubtedly. Those interested should seek to contact me personally via the Blog or the Facebook page. We'll have to start small, and unofficial. But as time goes by and if this picks up traction, we can get ourselves out there finally and do something positive for our local parishes.

How do we start? My first suggestion is to be vigilant in your own parish in your prayer life. Second - as I've already said - if you're interested in helping to formulate this or get started, all advice is welcome. I'm not exactly an expert with things like this, and I'm going to need men who are if this is going to work. I know most of us around here aren't very vocal on most blog or page posts, but if you never are again I need you to be now. I need to know what you all think, and if you know a way for us to get started.

War flag of the Holy Roman Empire (1200-1350)
Uniforms, a badge, colors, and other such ideas are forth coming. I know some talented artists who would be willing to draw some stuff out just to get the mind going. In the end, I mean for this to function as a fraternal militia that will stretch everywhere the Catholic Church is. It will protect her monasteries, her shrines, her clergy, her churches, and her laity from assault and harm from all threats - foreign and domestic. They will be pious, militant men in good standing with the Church. They will keep watch of the holy places and spend their watches in prayer. They will be a wall to the faithful, and a flail to the malcontents.

For too long, Catholicism has been unjustly scornful of its past. These men must serve as a reminder of the power and glory of the Faith, given and sanctified by the grace and goodness of our Blessed Lord.

"Take this holy sword, a gift from God, in whom thou shalt overthrow the adversary of my people Israel."

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