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Monday, June 1, 2015

Imperial Decree I: Diversity of Man

It is the teaching of Catholicism that all men are by their possession of immortal souls equal at their base and deserving of dignity and respect. This is in spite of ability, station, and ethnicity. Though men may be unequal in appearance and capability they are nonetheless deserving of compassion.

For this reason all racial prejudice, supremacy, segregation, bigotry and likewise are unjust and a violation of human dignity. To support this and to create a just, unified society, we consider it fitting that nations who would rule their affairs as Catholics to adopt a model of Romanesque Citizenship.

That is, wherein all the citizens of a nation are defined in law as having equal rights, privileges, and responsibilities. This is to be the state of affairs de facto and de jure, as it was across Christendom and its temporal parents in the Roman Empire.

Long ago our forefathers (who some erroneously identify as a “white race”) were divided along tribal lines, despising one another with a xenophobic hatred. Though to us they might all seem equally “white.” It is the same all across the world; we take for granted our modern perceptions of race and in our progressive arrogance assume it has always been so.

Whilst the Barbarians were ignorant of Christ, God’s Chosen People were instructed to be kind unto the alien for they too were once oppressed and lost in a foreign land. For the violation of this divine ordinance and many others they oft found themselves in the same state again.

But with the Incarnation, the world was truly Enlightened. Supported by Roman inclusiveness, Catholic theology accomodated all races from east and west into one people: the Catholic people. Before this many were united as Roman Citizens, though many beyond the Empire were not.

With the birth of Christendom from the ashes of Rome came a new order, and while newly-civilized barbarians struggled as with birthing pains the creation of a Pan-European unity it was achieved under the Catholic Faith. Spurred on by the renaissance of Roman knowledge this state of affairs continued; though internal strife often gripped Europe, a Catholic identity kept them as one when it mattered most.

Then came the Protestant Heresy and its offspring, once more dividing the world along ethnic lines in a mindless and hateful quest to rid itself of Rome. Greedy for the Church’s wealth, envious of her majesty, and covetous of her power they sought to tear down what it had built. They left a broken world in their wake; so drunk had it been with rage that it forgot what it once was. In snatches and fits it recalls, but never fully grasps for its own foolish pride. Division remained, and old prejudices were resurrected.

The removal of Catholic thought from the human consciousness made room for all the errors that would come with the modern age. The romanticism of the Barbarian Age brought back with it the old kinist ideas of race and clan. So it was that with swaggering airs and noble sentiments the wars began again and nearly destroyed what remained of our civilization.

Thus with all this in mind it is apparent to us: racialism is a great harm to any people who would do more than be like savages, however “natural” it may be. It is alien to our principles and the way in which our civilization was founded.

But this is not to say that care for one’s people and place of origin is in and of itself an evil; patriotism (unlike its mutation, nationalism) is a virtue as old as Hellas and was present throughout Christendom. But like all things in immoderation it becomes a vice and can lead to terrible things.
For the sake of the common good those minorities who find themselves persecuted should follow the Apostles’ council to forgive their persecutors, and once triumphant as the Christians they should not endeavor to violently suppress their former masters. Such will only perprtuate an endless cycle of hatred, for all human spirit naturally bucks against tyranny. Countries where such methods have been tried experienced failure. Ethnicities do not operate on hive minds; one only need meditate on his own existence to understand this. Should any group willfully threaten peace and order they should be checked, but we must not allow ourselves to overzealously persecute their guiltless kin and kine. For one we may shed innocent blood, and for two we may otherwise gain an ally who may become an enemy. Let all proper, lawful, feasible, thorough means be used to maintain the peace. For true justice to be done the guilty must be punished, the victim compensated, and the innocent left undisturbed. We accept that men are diverse in their ethnicity, and this is obvious with science and by the naked eye. But we are also one in our humanness, and by our possession of an immortal soul.

Therefore it is our resolve that we shall not hoist any race above all as the master race, nor can we break bread with those who do. We shall not endorse policies that suppress or tyrannize any group solely based upon their ethnicity when it is far more expedient to judge men based on the content of their character and reward them as their behavior dictates. We will not presume to act upon any notion that any “race” is wholesale a danger to society and must without prejudice be suppressed or exiled without concrete evidence to say so, and even then it will be because the parties are guilty and not prejudice (which is by definition generally groundless). We will do justice to every man according to his works and intentions. We will give primacy to the beliefs of our ancestors in these matters over Modernist 19th century playwrights.

Thus we will it, so may it be.

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